Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Search Like This to Get That Job

If your job search could use a boost, try the following seven steps. I heard this advice yesterday from Alexis Grant at the Association Media & Publishing (AM&P) lunch and learn.

1.      Don’t just apply for a job—use social media to make the hiring manager notice you. (Think Twitter and blogs.)

2.      Network strategically, and maintain your connections. (Think Twitter and LinkedIn in addition to live events.)

3.      Use your sleuthing skills: Research prospective employers and hiring managers online to learn as much about them as possible. (Think Twitter, LinkedIn and Google.)

4.      Hyperlink your resume to make it easy for readers to access your Twitter account, your LinkedIn profile and your blog as well as websites for your previous employers.

5.      Show your awesomeness through your blog. (Okay, okay, I’m trying to do that!) Transparency is in right now, so be transparent in your blog. People hire you because they like you. Be yourself in your blog so people can see your personality.

6.      On your resume and in your cover letter, be smart about how you tell your story. Figure out your employment goal, then word your resume and letter to describe how your experiences have led you toward that goal.

7.      Figure out what skills you need today for the job you want, and learn them. Just go online. You can learn practically anything online—and often for free.

These steps summarize a portion of Grant’s program, “Career Development in The Digital Age—And in Difficult Times.” Grant was careers editor for U.S. News & World Report before focusing full-time on her business, Socialexis. Now she serves as a consultant to organizations about how to use social media effectively; she also writes e-books offering career advice.

The AM&P participants enjoyed an informative and entertaining presentation by Grant, who made most of the statements above. I paraphrased a few. Obviously, No. 5 is all Grant, a talented and accomplished young woman who appears to aim for awesome in everything she does. What a great role model!

For additional advice and resources, go to And if you have a job-search tip, please be an awesome colleague and share.


Alexis Grant said...

Thanks for this, Gerry! You ARE showing your awesomeness through your blog :) I'll continue to follow along!

Gerry Romano, CAE said...

Thanks so much Alexis!